Equine Veterinarian in Bolton, MA
Welcome to Essex Equine, Inc!
At Essex Equine, we provide comprehensive quality care for equine athletes and pleasure horses to help clients achieve their goals. We are driven by a passion for horse health and actively seek out opportunities to learn and educate as we stay on the leading edge of equine veterinary science.
Essex Equine, Inc. is an ambulatory equine practice with locations in Bolton, MA, and seasonally in Ocala, FL, focusing on sports medicine, lameness diagnostics and treatment, preventative care, and rehabilitation. Our brand-new 10-stall clinic and laboratory allows for in-house care of non-critical patients for treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access my horse's coggins certificate?
If you have provided an email to us prior to the coggins being completed, you should be able to access the coggins through myvetlink.com. Choose sign up in the top right corner (or log in if you have done so previously). Once you have created your account, you should be able to access your certificate. If it does not allow you to create an account with that email address, then the email was not entered. In this case, simply send us an email at info@essexequine.net and we will email you the pdf.
What is your payment policy?
Payment is due at the time of service. We accept cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Care Credit.
All balances not paid within 30 days will be subject to an interest rate of 18% annually.
We send statements out twice per month. If you prefer us to charge your card automatically, let us know and we will charge your balance and mail the statement once per month.
We are also able to email bills, so let us know if that is your preference.
Vaccine Guidelines and Recommendations
Rabies – All horses should receive yearly.
Eastern/Western/Tetanus/West Nile – All horses should receive yearly; best given in April or May for maximum efficacy during mosquito season.
Flu/Rhino – Horses that travel or are in barns where horses are shipped in and out should receive twice per year.
Strangles – Optional for horses that travel or are in barns with heavy traffic.
Potomac Horse Fever – Recommended for those that travel to other parts of the country, and/or those turned out in areas with ponds/streams with fresh water snails.
Lepto – New vaccine, requires a booster 3-4 weeks following 1st vaccination. Leptospirosis is spread by the urine of carnivorous animals and associated with free standing water.
Botulism – Recommended for horses eating round bales, haylage, and those in the Mid-Atlantic.
Coggins – Required yearly for any horses that will leave the property, or those in boarding barns where it is requested by the barn. Those that have an email address on file will be emailed their Coggins. It is a .pdf file which you can save and print whenever you need it. The email will come from “No Reply” and contain the subject line “GlobalVetLINK PDF Certificate zip file.” If we do not have an email address for you, we will mail a copy. If you prefer us to mail you a hard copy, please let us know.
Fecal – Recommended for all horses to monitor intestinal parasite load. It is best to test twice per year in spring and late summer/fall. One fecal ball should be collected and labeled the day of veterinarian’s arrival.*Please note that all horses should be dewormed 1-2 times per year with either a dewormer containing Praziquantel (Equimax, Quest Plus) or a double dose of Pyrantel Pamoate (Strongid) in order to prevent tape worms, which will not typically show up on a fecal test.
Lyme Titer and Snap test – A very prevalent disease in this area; annual screening for early infection can be beneficial for a horse’s long term health.
What are normal vital signs for horses?
Temp: 99-101°F
Respiration: 8-12 breaths per minutes
Heart rate: 36-42 beats per minute
Capillary refill: 2 seconds